Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Today is August 31,  its been 10 years today since my aunt passed away. Also in 9 more days it will be a year since my dad passed. It has been 8 months since my grandma passed, I miss them all very much. I know I have changed so much in this last year. My dad was disappointed in me when he died and that hurts me very much. I have done a lot of growing up lately. My mom has surgery Thursday morning  and I am really worried about that. I have become really close to her since loosing dad. I am now scared of loosing her also. I know that sounds childish, but I want to make my mom, my brother, my sister in law, my husband and most importantly me  proud of who I am. I promised dad before he died that I would go back and finish school and I am so happy I did. I only have 7 classes after this semester until I am done and will have my degree in Human services. After I graduate I would like to either work for Hospice or I will do volunteer work for them or I would like to either work with the mentally ill or in the prison system. I have class today then I go to work, after work I head to moms so I can take her to the hospital in the morning, then up the road for class then back down to the hospital. Greg is very understanding about me doing this and helping mom. I married the second best man around, the first has always and will always be daddy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice site Roni..... keep me posted.